Kayak Tour Question and Answers
Q: Let me answer the first question with out the question.
A: NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY ! If you have years of experience in a kayak you will love this tour of real Florida. We can use my OVER 20 years experience
Q: How safe will we be?
A: There are varying amounts of safety and here are a few reasons my tours are considered safe.
I selected the Cocohatchee River for many reasons- the area is protected from wind and waves and we will paddle through different eco systems with some adventure. I am trained and have taught rescue techniques for many years. PFD’s (life jackets) will be worn while on the water. This not only helps ensure your safety but lets you relax and have more fun while paddling.
If my tours are full I will gladly recommend a PROFESSIONAL tour company that I have complete confidence. (I am not compensated from the companies I recommend)
Q: Are the kayaks tippy?
A: I have purchased my kayaks from a reputable company and not from Craigslist or classified ads. I have handpicked the company and style of recreational kayak to make you as comfortable on the water as possible.
Q: How big are your tours?
A: As few as 1 kayak to only 6 kayaks
Q: What is the tour like?
A: We paddle to a few different ECO systems and take in the peace of the outdoors with a taste of adventure. The tour is recreational, fun and a learning experience with a twist. We will be on the water approximately 2 ½ hours.
Q: Will we see dolphins?
A: Hopefully. Although we are not Sea World and we don’t blow a whistle and dolphins appear but I do know where the wildlife congregates which puts the odds in our favor to see birds, nests, sea stars etc.
Q: What is the youngest person you will take on a tour?
A: Age 6 when accompanied by an adult in one of my tandem (2 person) kayaks. YES I do have child size PFD’s
Q: Are there restrooms?
A: Of course! At the launch/return site there are men’s and women’s indoor facilities cleaned everyday by Collier County crews. For these conveniences I pay a fee from the cost of the tour. Half way through our kayak tour we will be able to stretch our legs and there is a permanent Eco friendly facility that is also cleaned daily by Collier County.
Q: What do we bring with us on the kayak trip?
A: 2 bottles of water-sunscreen-hat-bug spray (bugs are usually not a problem)-medications-I will have a dry bag for cell phones etc.
Kayak Tours with Mike Devlin is in no way responsible for damaged or lost items.
NO ALCOHOL- No coolers
Q: What makes you a special kayak instructor?
A: This I believe is a simple question. Yes I have been taught by some of the best paddlers, instructors and coaches, not just in this country but in the world. Some are listed on my website in the endorsements section. Not listed but could be added is a Hungarian Olympian from the 1950’s and an Olympic Coach from the 1960’s.
Here is why I believe I am a great instructor. I remember being exactly where you are as a beginner or intermediate. I have vowed never to forget being in your position and wondering if I was going to flip over and what to do. I remember paddling into the trees. I remember falling in when learning to scull and that gives me patience to help you learn to love this sport. We will figure out your goals and proceed with caution TOGETHER.
Q: What do you mean goals?
A: Again, this is simple to answer. Do you want to become a great sea kayaker or do you want to learn how to efficiently paddle with less effort and be safe while you are looking at birds or fishing in a recreational setting or anywhere in between?
Here is some free advice, most kayakers over estimate their abilities. The “intermediate “paddler usually isn’t. He or she may have paddled for years and has lots of what I call “seat time”. They have not studied or practiced techniques–just seat time.